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Economy Minister Hwej says Libya’s corruption is exaggerated by the media and those who talk about it are conducting a war against the nation

Tripoli Economy Minister Hwej says Libya’s corruption is exaggerated. Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index ranks Libya as the 161 most corrupt country in the world out of 168 (Photo: Transparency International). During the so-called Disclosure Session held by every ministry of the Tripoli based Libyan government, the Minister of Economy and Trade, Mohammed Al-Hwej, said […]

During the so-called Disclosure Session held by every ministry of the Tripoli based Libyan government, the Minister of Economy and Trade, Mohammed Al-Hwej, said that there is no corruption and that those who keep talking about corruption, including the media, are conducting an unpatriotic war against the nation.

Hwej said ‘‘We are here today during this disclosure. These modest numbers in all ministries. There are those who talk about corruption. Where is the corruption? In all honesty, it has become a war against the nation”.

He said there are three oversight agencies, the Administrative Control Authority (ACA), the Audit Bureau and the National Anti-Corruption Council (NACC). He then quoted the Quran saying ‘’ultimately there is the oversight of God.’’

‘‘Therefore, those who talk of corruption and destruction: where are the numbers? Even the Libyan dinar does not have the value it used to have’’. Quoting the Quran again, he said ‘‘let us see the numbers and proof then we can judge’’

‘‘Honestly, and I am sorry to say, the media has started destroying the nation (by continually talking about corruption)’’.

Source: libyaherald.com

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