Former First Lady Marième Faye Sall expressed her deep indignation following the ban on Mansour Faye, former minister and mayor of Saint-Louis, from leaving the country. Speaking on RFM, she denounced an arbitrary and unfair decision. “My big brother Amadou Mansour Faye was banned from traveling when he was about to take a plane to see our sick mother. He did nothing! For nine months, they have not stopped intimidating him, but they have not seen anything yet.” Very upset, Marième Faye Sall recalled that a few months ago, their mother had been summoned to the gendarmerie, a situation she considers unacceptable. “This only happens in Senegal! Without a court decision, we allow ourselves to ban people from traveling. Let them know that only God is judge. We will face it!” » Mansour Faye’s ban on leaving the country raises many questions, especially since no court decision has been officially announced against him. This reaction by Marième Faye Sall reinforces the idea of a tense political context, where travel bans are seen as a means of exerting pressure. “Amadou Mansour Faye is a political actor and he assumes his positions,” recalled Marieme Faye Sall.
Source Senegal7