A grade falsification scandal is rocking Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (UCAD), involving monetary transactions and sexual favors. According to the newspaper Libération, the main suspects are Doudou Faye, a former contract worker at the Faculty of Letters, and Victor Mathieu Moundor Diouf, a Master II student.
Doudou Faye, responsible for grade management, allegedly offered students to increase their averages in exchange for payments. Victor Mathieu Moundor Diouf allegedly acted as an intermediary, recruiting interested students for a commission.
Since November 2024, Doudou Faye has been on the run and is the subject of an international
arrest warrant. Victor Mathieu Moundor Diouf, arrested upon his return from Germany, confessed to his role as an intermediary. A list of the alleged beneficiaries of this fraud has been given to the academic authorities. The students involved risk disciplinary and legal sanctions for having tarnished the image of UCAD.
Source: leSoleil.sn